All homes are now sold. For any enquiries, please contact Megan Keating 021 804 077.

Boathouse bay lane, snells beach

A locality with so much to offer

Draw a triangle embracing Warkworth, Matakana and Snells Beach and you will have captured some of the most desirable aspects of the east coast. Beaches and art trails, vineyards and quaint markets, historical shops and taverns, fantastic restaurants and stylish boutiques. Boathouse Bay is also surrounded by attractions that deliver year round amenity, such as the local Snells Beach Food Market and the fine wines of award-winning vineyards.

The idyllic countryside and stunning beaches just north of Auckland are an increasingly popular destination for enjoying the east coast’s best attributes, all within an hour’s drive of the city.

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Megan Keating
021 804 077​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
[email protected]